WEBINAR: Local Authority Briefing - 10.10.22
Event overview
- Dates:
- Times: 14.00 - 17.00
- Location: Zoom Webinar
- Booking closes on

You are hopefully already aware of the Building Safety Act and its effects on your local authority. The new Act not only affects building control but many other service areas within the authority. It comes into effect next year.
Your Building Control service applies the requirements of the Building Act and Building Regulations to new buildings, extensions and alterations but are in competition with private sector ‘Approved Inspectors’ for all types of work.
The new Act introduces a new national Building Safety Regulator (BSR). The new regulator will be established by the Health and Safety Executive and will be responsible for implementing a tougher regulatory regime for higher risk buildings; overseeing the safety and performance of all buildings; and oversight of the competence and organisational capability of professionals, tradespeople and building control. It will have the power to apply criminal sanctions to building owners who do not follow the regime.
LABC, the body which acts nationally on behalf of all Local Authority Building Control teams is running a webinar 10th October to explain your role. These are being run in association with ADEPT, the DCN, the HSE and Solace.
- Date: 10th October 2022
- Time: 2pm to 5pm
- Platform: Zoom webinar
- Cost: FREE
The session will cover:
- The current role of your building control team, the legislative framework and the commercial environment they operate in.
- Changes to this regime under the new Building Safety Act including the new Building Safety Regulator and how your team will be expected to work with them.
- The scope of the Act, information on requirements expected of you including new requirements for employing adequate numbers of appropriately trained and competent surveyors.
- How your authority will work with other agencies as part of a multi-disciplinary team.
- Actions that your Council should be taking now to prepare for the new regime.
- Where to get help and support.
Who should attend?
- Local Authority Chief Executives
- Local Authority Senior Leaders, Directors, and Managers
- Portfolio holders and elected members
- Building Control Partnership Board members