Professional Development
Ein hyfforddiant yw’r unig hyfforddiant i’r diwydiant sy’n cael ei ddiweddaru’n gyson i gyd-fynd â newidiadau i’r rheoliadau. Rydym wedi ein sefydlu ein hunain fel safon y diwydiant yn gyflym – nid dim ond i weithwyr proffesiynol rheolaethi adeiladu, ond hefyd i gynllunwyr, dylunwyr, penseiri, syrfewyr, adeiladwyr tai a datblygwyr. Rydym yn adolygu ac yn ehangu ein portffolio o gyrsiau datblygiad proffesiynol parhaus yn gyson – gan ymateb i’r galw gan y diwydiant er mwyn gallu cyflwyno cyrsiau newydd drwy gydol y flwyddyn. Rydym yn darparu hyfforddiant hygyrch o safon uchel i weithwyr proffesiynol ym maes adeiladu sy’n rhoi gwerth gwych am arian ac ar gael ym mhob cwr o’r wlad! Mae ein cyrsiau wedi’u dylunio i ddileu’r malu awyr a chanolbwyntio ar fusnes, ac maent yn ddelfrydol i unrhyw un sy’n dychwelyd i’r diwydiant, yn dechrau ymwneud yn fwy gweithredol ag ef neu a hoffai gael ei atgoffa. Caiff ein cyrsiau eu cynnal gan arbenigwyr uchel eu parch yn y diwydiant. I gael mwy o wybodaeth am unrhyw ymholiad ynglŷn â hyfforddiant, cysylltwch â Marianne Stanton yn neu drwy ffonio 0207 091 6862. Defnyddiwch y peiriant chwilio a’r hidlydd i ddod o hyd i’r cwrs neu’r gynhadledd yr ydych yn chwilio amdanynt. Mae eich hidlydd presennol wedi’i arddangos isod.
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LABC South West Technical Update
MembersThe LABC SW Technical Update and Business Planning Workshop has been booked for Wednesday 26 and Thursday 27 of February 2025 at The Imperial Hotel, Parkhill Road, Torquay, TQ1 2DG Topics include the Building Safety Act, BSR, OPSS and registration update, technical...
LABC Technical Seminars (Roadshows)
Everyone“These small courses are ideal for the single practitioner” – Mark Smith, Vernon-Smith Associates "It was without a doubt the best format I have come across. Lots of content, swift presentations. Great!" – Peter Brown, Marsden Brown Associates Join us at...
LABC Virtual Learning Environment
MembersAs public service professionals with public safety at the heart of everything we do. We should all be engaging in regular continual professional development (CPD) to stay proficient, competent, adjust to industry disruption and challenges as well as learn new skills and specialisms to enhance our...
Local Authority Briefings - 2022
EveryoneYou are hopefully already aware of the Building Safety Act and its effects on your local authority. The new Act not only affects building control but many other service areas within the authority. It comes into effect next year. Your Building Control service applies the requirements of the...
Management and Policy Conference 2024
MembersThe LABC Management & Policy Conference will return on Tuesday 5 and Wednesday 6 November 2024. Event Timeline: Day One Conference 10am - 5pm | Gala Dinner | Day Two Conference 9.30am - 3pm Venue: Leonardo Hotel Hinckley Island, Watling St, Burbage, Hinckley, LE10 3JA Who...
Member Update Sessions - 2025
MembersSince 2020, LABC has been running member update sessions to provide the network with the opportunity to hear the latest news from LABC on a range of topics. You can find links to previous webinar recordings here. If you have any topics you think would be useful to cover in our...
MembersContinual Professional Development (CPD) is a vital part of the registration of the profession going forward, both for individuals and for teams. The Registered Building Inspector (RBI) Code of Conduct will require individuals to maintain records of and provide evidence of their CPD. The...
Reaching New Heights 2025
EveryoneJoin Local Authority Building Control and their exclusive warranty partner LABC Warranty for a day of unmissable expertise from the building industry. Reaching New Heights is an intimate event for builders, housing associations, local authorities and consultants involved in high-rise residential...
Structures - Intermediate Level
MembersThis course covers common foundation types used today on both residential and commercial properties including the range of foundations available from simple trench fill foundations through to piling and ground beams. Delegates will learn about the design of simply supported basic structural...